Greetings Chancellors! Thank you for playing That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: ISEKAI Memories!
We recently ran the Tempest Tourism Nation-Building Contest. Chancellors were invited to submit winter-themed screenshots of the nations they built.
Producer Onishi, the dev team, and the promotions team all pitched in to judge, because it wasn't easy to choose! Thank you, everyone, for your excellent entries! We'd like to showcase some of them here.
They're also featured in a Letter from the Producer. Check that video out here:
1st Place
Staff Comment:
You sent us 4 pictures. You really captured the winter look and energy of the city, from the winter-white flagstones to the wintertime trees. The nighttime shot was great too!
Staff Comment:
Your shot of Rimuru at the gate in his kingly raiment was iconic.
The composition really captured the harmony between the white buildings and the falling snow.
Staff Pick
Staff Comment:
What a lovely portrait of winter, with the dark and deep woods covered in snow.
Rimuru looks like he has miles to go before he sleeps...